장윤영은 시각예술에 기반하여 과학, 기술의 융합을 시도하는 미디어아티스트이다. 인간-비인간의 관계에서 다양한 주체들이 유기적으로 상호작용하는 미래 생태환경에 관심을 가지고, 인공지능, 인터랙티브 아트를 활용해 미래 세계와 미래 유기체의 진화 및 번식을 상상하는 작업을 진행하고 있다. 또한 인공지능, 센싱 기술 등을 접목한 예술의 융합적 표현방식에 더불어 감상자와 예술사이의 상호적인 감상을 주목하고 관계적 예술을 창작한다.
국민대학교에서 회화와 영상 디자인을 공부하고, 서강대학교 일반대학원에서 아트&테크놀로지로 석사 학위를 받았다.
Yunyoung Jang is a media artist seeking synthesis between visual arts, science, and technology. She is interested in cognitive systems and ecology. She produces works dealing with dilemmas and emotional connections that arise in cognitive processes between humans and non-humans.In addition, her work is about the position and responsibility of humans in the future where various entities are organically connected and interacted in the relationships between humans and animals, humans and the environment, and humans and artificial intelligence robots.In making productions, she pursues relational art, paying attention to interactive appreciation between the viewer and the art as well as the fusion expression method of art that incorporates artificial intelligence and sensing technology.
국민대학교에서 회화와 영상 디자인을 공부하고, 서강대학교 일반대학원에서 아트&테크놀로지로 석사 학위를 받았다.
Yunyoung Jang is a media artist seeking synthesis between visual arts, science, and technology. She is interested in cognitive systems and ecology. She produces works dealing with dilemmas and emotional connections that arise in cognitive processes between humans and non-humans.In addition, her work is about the position and responsibility of humans in the future where various entities are organically connected and interacted in the relationships between humans and animals, humans and the environment, and humans and artificial intelligence robots.In making productions, she pursues relational art, paying attention to interactive appreciation between the viewer and the art as well as the fusion expression method of art that incorporates artificial intelligence and sensing technology.
Masters of Art and Science in Art & Technology, Sogang University Graduate School
B.F.A in Fine Arts (Major), Entertainment Design (Sub Major), Kookmin University